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May 5, 2017 5pm

The north and the south winds were whipping the sides of my hair over my eyes as I approached the edge of the swelling waves. Leaning over the narrow seawall I could feel the strength of the salty air as the Word of the Lord came to me.


"Come My beloved...My heart longs and even yearns to take you to My secret place...let go and come unto Me.  I am longing for you to be where I am.  The Spirit winds are gushing over the surface of the waters.  


The North Wind ushers in the Majesty of My presence, and the South Wind is bursting with the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation of who I am.


I want to take you higher.  Your understanding of Me will ignite a consuming fire.  Increase is what I see in you...My love will take you higher than you've ever gone before.


I long for you to be one with Me...together we will skip over the mountains and run over the hills...I'll take you to places beyond all reason...I'm blowing My mighty breath on you right now, so come My beloved.                            


Awake...awake O North Winds! Come South Winds...blow!  My spirit is beckoning you right now--come My beloved--come to the Secret Place."


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A new song and testimony is born for Papa 10/4/17

At Five Years of age, I was plagued with multiple over-sized warts on my nose—my mama told me to ask my heavenly Father in Jesus name and He would take them away. So that very night, I cried out to the Lord, my pillow soaked with tears—and he heard my cry; overnight—when I awoke, they had vanished.


Another divine encounter, I was 8 months pregnant with my baby Starshine--driving on the ice in Anchorage, Alaska-spinning on the ice on a major highway—stopping just inches from going off a cliff down a steep ravine—He rescued me.


Papa God has healed me multiple times: scoliosis of the spine, hormonal cancer, hypoglycemia, depression, and a deformity on my thumb that the doctors said would need multiple surgeries, but that growth disappeared overnight as I lifted my hands in worship. 


Just a few years ago, I was riding my horse in the Brooker Creek Forest when my horse’s hoof was caught in a vine and she began to fall to the left side with dense brush and trees—I was under her within inches of the ground, when suddenly, she rose back up and the vine had vanished from the face of the earth.  The Three riders who were with me said they had never seen anything like that before—like an angel had picked us up—what a witness to friends who are not Christians.  


Andrew and I have lost 3 children, and for years, I could not go to church on Mother’s Day because of the horrendous pain.  But then I had that divine encounter with my Daddy God...Andrew saw me crying on this particular Mother’s Day morning; he picked me up—sat me on his lap and rocked me as I wailed on his shoulder—his shirt stained with my tears and thick black mascara.  Then he stood me up, lifted my chin, held me close and began to dance with me, and as we slowly swayed, he began to sing of the love of the Father directly to my soul and spirit. 


The Lord then transported me to the heavenly realms where the love of God was so strong; depression broke like chains snapping.  I have never had lasting sadness again since that divine encounter because His love has rescued me from my enemy, and He is my VICTORY!


Then again, on October 4th, 2018, I was riding my bicycle in the neighborhood and approached the narrow seawall at the end of my street.  I noticed a beautiful young girl sitting on the edge. I heard her sobs as she covered her pale face in intervals--wiping the tears. Her long flowing butter blond hair was blowing gently in the cool wind.  I sat down with her and prayed about her situation and as I stood up to leave, I lost my balance and started to fall backwards towards the rocky bottom during low tide.  Suddenly, I was on my feet firmly standing in the grass. 


I was overwhelmed with His love at that moment and as I opened my Bible upon returning home, I turned to Psalm 143, "You have rescued me from my enemy--You are my victory!"  Thus, became a new song, "Abba," and another powerful testimony added to HIS portfolio!  


I then heard the Lord say to my heart:

Dearest Daughter, I am the Lord who hears the cries of your heart.  Why do you doubt?  I know what you have need of before you even think of asking Me. I long to sooth and repair the broken places that occupy your heart.  Listen to the still, small voice of your Abba Father.  Healing and deliverance has come this day—not just physical wellness, but you will be emotionally strong.  I the Lord am able to move and break those stony areas of your heart and replace them with new life.  Change and growth are sometimes painful, but necessary.   I will provide every need.  I will give you direction and inspiration.  Leave your heart to Me—My mighty right arm will never fail you, child.  Trust in your Abba Father.  Good things come from your Daddy God.  You are a treasure to Me—why not place your earthly treasures and family with Me?  I have all these things you desire worked out in the spirit realm.  You must leave Egypt—put the past behind you.  Move on.  Forget the former things that drag you down.  Forgive from your heart.  Cover sin with the love that I give to you.  When you  ignore the faults of others and pray for them, you create more love inside of you—bursting with favor from Me.  Let love be your mission for today—encourage, strengthen and cover sin today dear daughter.  You are growing in My grace.  Believe that I am in control today, child.  Lean into My presence.  My love has already paid the price for your healing and salvation.  Breathe in hope, faith, and love.  Drink from My fountain.  My life-giving Word will restore all that you have lost. 

Stay in My loving arms and fill yourself with the depth of My Word.  Arm yourself with weapons of warfare. I will cover you as you lean into My presence.  Trust in Me this day, child; Daddy God is answering all of your prayers this day.  I hear the cries of your heart for the lost and hurting.  I will move this season among the people.  You will see signs & wonders and the miracles you have been longing for  will be manifested in your own family.  The Word for today is love; love covers sin, delivers from bondage, keeps unity and is the “glue” that holds faith together.  Walk in love this day, child.  Forgive all who test your faith.  I see and decide between the mighty.  Will I not take care of my precious sheep?  My love is endless—penetrates deep down into your soul and spirit.  Seek out My love this day, child—it will guard your heart and repair the broken places. Take hold of My hand, daughter and know that good things are coming quickly. I will make a way that no man can stop.  The hinges are being oiled—the door is just about to open, child.  Listen for the voice of your Heavenly Father.  My words are finality—no demon in hell can stop them. 


First prophetic word in the Secret Place 10/1/94


Listen…..what do you hear?  Is it not the solemn voice of the wind?  Just as you hear the rushing of the air working its way to a higher tone, My spirit is calling you—wooing you into My presence! 


Even as the voice of the wind declares the direction in which it blows, I will indeed breathe My spirit as wind upon you this day.  My wind will inspire you today.  Your heart is being filled with divine grace.  I am pouring out My love on you, child to reveal My own heart. 


Listen; receive the wind of your Father.  It will create a mighty voice in your soul.  You will no longer feel as though your tears and prayers are in vain—for I am building the voice of the wind in your soul.  My own voice is soothing, but bold as a lion. 


You are My temple—I dwell inside of you, child.  Zion is indeed blowing in your very soul.  Now, let it come forth this day, child—speak and sing My word, even as the wind speaks and announces its presence to all the elements. 


Remember, the wind is quite bold child—did it not awaken you this morning?  I am opening your spiritual eyes with My mighty winds—see what great and wonderful things your Father does for you this day.  I will move the mountains in your life. 


Even as the wind proclaims its strength, I declare your miracle in the heavenlies this very morning—it will be done on earth as well.  Remember,  first speak the Word, then the natural is manifested.  Watch for tangible results today.  I love you, and I long to bless you with all spiritual favor, daughter. 


Trust in Me this day.  Let My wind perpetuate the fire in your life today.  Remember, without oxygen, the flame will not grow. 


Be still and know that I am doing this great and awesome thing in your heart.  You once thought it impossible, but I tell you that the voice of My Spirit is upon you.  My words are yea and amen.   


Father God wants to heal someone reading this today of a broken heart—He wants to show you what true love really is in the midst of these powerful testimonies!

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