JOY Ministries
Jubilant Obsession for Yahweh
As a young infant born with weak lungs and severe bronchial infections, I almost died. 18 years of chronic bronchitis and double pneumonia yearly, left me hospitalized multiple times.Depression began at age 6, I was a cutter, was suicidal, angry, and full of bitterness and rebellion. I was physically, emotionally and sexually abused. and I also abused drugs and alcohol from the age of nine. I was a smoker starting at age 11. I was also a kleptomaniac, I had a foul mouth, and I was a compulsive liar. I had murderous thoughts continuously. My parents decided to send me to a psychiatrist at age 7.
Although I had all these vices that worked against me, I was extremely driven and competitive, especially in all types of sports and hands on activities. I demanded perfection of myself but it was really an escape from my internal pain. I never got positive attention or love and affection from my parents; only constant abuse and fighting between themselves and my siblings. I was challenged by fear and constant nightmares from the age of five.
Being involved with motorcycle gangs landed me in jail and close to death multiple times. I've had multiple injuries, accidents, and broken bones to name a few.
Then one beautiful sunny day, I was born again on February 14th, 1973. I was filled with the love and the peace of God on Valentine's day... oh, what a beautiful gift! The presence of God turned my heart of stone into a heart of flesh for the first time ever. And, I felt the Holy presence of God and I knew His love for the first time! Now, I continually yearn for God's presence and His Holy fire!
During this extreme calling out of the darkness, the enemy viciously tried to stop me with multiple hardships, death-treats, sickness, and trauma, both emotional and physical. But I always always stuck to the word and God's love and that Holy Ghost fire! I am an over-comer!
Since being filled with joy at the ENCOUNTER, I've had restoration in many areas, including emotional and physical healing and deliverance from medications for 20 years. I have witnessed wonderful outpourings of the presence of God and great prophetic growth through prophetic worship and the word here at the JOY Ministries.
Thank you JOY Ministries and the UPPER ROOM ENCOUNTER!!!
Linda Brown
Worship Team, JOY Ministries